Rabu, 10 Jun 2015

I need to stop from being Jealous

Shit! Everytime, die reply lambat my text and still appear online, masa tu la aku selalu pk dia text dengan perempuan. Damn it, kan! Ape tah masalah aku ni. Maybe sebab dia pernah buat perangai dengan aku, so thats why i feel this way. You know what, feeling jealous is obviously pretty normal and natural but it's only dragging me down! and that feeling can drive a large wedge between me and him, which is i don't want. and i have to stop this.  what should i do is :-

1) Identify the situation that's triggering my feeling of jealousy.

I may feel jealous when he's hangout with other ppl, and i don't know who. and leaving my feeling neglected which is so UNFAIR.

2) Build My Self Confidence.

 Hmm, even it's hard for me but i'm gonna try, I just need to be proud of my self.

3) Avoid comparing my self to other ppl.

Well obviously, sometime i do comparing my self with all his exs.

4) Learning to Trust and Let it Go.

He did broke my trust before. and it is hard to earning back. I've try so hard but i just can't let it go.
But I'll try, insyallah.

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